Wagging Tails
Dog Boarding

Serving Lakeland Hills, Auburn & Surrounding Areas


Dog Boarding in Sitters Home

Accepting Dogs 0-20lbs

Standard Rate $40

Holiday Rate $50
* May 27-30, Jul 3-5, Sep 2-5, Nov 24-27 
& Dec 23-Jan 1

Additional Dog Rate $35

Stays of 14 Nights or More $35

Extended Care 
*Nightly rates are based on a 24-hour time period from drop-off to pick-up. The extended care rates apply to each pet on the booking if the pet is picked-up 2+ hours past a 24-hour stay. 2-8 Hours is 50% of daily rate  
8+ hours is 100% of daily rate. 


"Happy Dogs have Wagging Tails"

As a pet mom of three beautiful dogs; Zeus, Kelly, and Chickpea, I understand each pet is unique and special and require individualized care, which I am able to provide. 

I take owner's requests seriously to ensure your pet is comfortable, happy, and safe while you are away!   

I have a fenced yard where your pet can run and play. I have plenty of space inside for your pet to socialize and feel a part of the family, or if your pet is shy and needs their own space, I have spare rooms where they can feel more at ease and comfortable.

I keep my dogs in their own crates and will do the same with yours. Please let me know your pet(s) likes and dislikes. If your pet requires medication, has any allergies, or has behaviors, I can help address. I prefer dogs no larger than 20 lbs for boarding as our Pitty believes she is small like her siblings and can be fearful of big dogs. 

Pup Gallery


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